Sat. Jan 11th, 2025

World Celebrates International Day of Sport for Development and Peace today, April 6

Switzerland (MNP) FIH President Tayyab Ikram, speaking on the importance of this day, said: “One of the main reasons I have been involved in sport for many years is my wholehearted belief in its power to act as a catalyst for positive change. Sport unites. Sport provides hope. Sport inspires. I am deeply grateful to be able to contribute in my role, but more importantly, on the occasion of the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace, I want to thank the global hockey family. Their daily efforts not only grow the sport’s community, but also help to build a better, more inclusive and more peaceful future.”

From Scottish club Uddingston’s incredible work towards improving mental and physical health, that has made them a beacon of positivity in their community in Europe to the Hockey Dreams Foundation coaches taking on the task of educating and helping prevention of Ebola during an outbreak in Africa, the work going on around the international community is living proof that hockey can bring people together, overcome social problems and help educate people to live better, healthier lives. On the United Nations International Day of Sport for Development and Peace, we shine the light on some of the many such stories from across the five hockey-playing continents that have actively contributed to the principles espoused by the idea of using sports for the holistic betterment of the society.

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